Indian police are using AI for the Mahakumbh 2025, scheduled to take place in the Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh state, where over 200 million Hindu devotees are expected. According to the authorities, AI technology will be used to evaluate real-time data for security and crowd management.
The AI system will be used by the Uttar Pradesh Police, which will implement and monitor the AI system. The AI system will consist of a mix of multiple data, generate reports and enable real-time analysis of large data sets, thereby improving crowd management for the safety of people and devotees who will reach the Mela, the official added.
Over 200 million devotees are expected to attend the Mahakumbh Mela 2025. The A Technician will also help train police officers and security personnel to operate the system effectively and properly. As soon as the testing phase is completed, the system is prepared for use…