Anyone who thinks making money with crypto is easy should think again. In today’s Picture of the Day we learn that HODLING represents brutal realities in the long term.
The meme hilariously captures the emotional roller coaster of HODLing in the cryptocurrency world. In the image above, the process of holding your crypto investments is idealized as a smooth, hassle-free journey – like a cyclist effortlessly riding toward a finish line. It represents the naive assumption that patience alone guarantees success, with no bumps, surprises, or doubts along the way.
The picture below provides the brutal truth. The reality of HODLing is a chaotic and unpredictable ride filled with steep slopes, towering peaks, and the constant threat of storms (both literal and metaphorical). It’s a battle against fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), with moments of exhilaration as the market booms followed by stomach-churning crashes. Every decline feels like the end, while every rise inspires hope and leaves investors teetering between despair and optimism.
Source: X
The meme highlights the mental resilience required to stick with crypto investments for the long term. It’s a reminder that while the concept of “diamond hands” is easy to romanticize, the reality is dealing with market volatility, emotional ups and downs, and the temptation to exit. In other words, it’s not for the faint of heart. Happy HODLing.